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Like similar closed non-public-domain BOKs, Real ITSM is copyrighted and trademarked.

RITSI protects its intellectual property rigorously, policed by the DespoITSM program.

The Program (as it is known) enforces:
• Misuse of copyright material
• Violation of trademark
• Parody and satirical mockery of Real ITSM
• Unpaid bills
• Overdue subscriptions
• Overdue books from the RITSI Library

Enforcement is outsourced to Lou and Stan’s Debt Collections and Intellectual Property Enforcement Inc. Lou and Stan have an uncanny ability to avoid drawn-out legal arguments and a remarkable number of affiliates in most countries.

An extract from the official Introduction to Real ITSM

This page is part of a set of pages: "Welcome to Real ITSM"
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