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Just the thing for Christmas

bookWhat to give IT colleagues and friends this Christmas? The Introduction to Real ITSM book is perfect: funny, thought-provoking and short... and reasonably priced. Ship it direct to them from Amazon or Lulu.

"The IT Skeptic is the Bill Bryson of Service Management... I swear I haven’t laughed this much reading a book since Confederacy of Dunces (You know the laughing out loud in airport lounges and people looking at you like you are a nut)... If you are looking for a good gift to give to any of your professional associates this Christmas I definitely recommend this book"
John M Willis.

"Falling somewhere between Scott Adams and John Cleese, it was great fun to read. I think it can serve a valuable purpose beyond stress relief as the null hypotheses for best practice"
Mike Walter

"We've just got the book by Rob England, 'Introduction to Real ITSM'.
It's amazing! We are reading it laughing out loud :)"
Oleg Skrynnik

"My copy arrived this morning. I haven't stopped laughing yet ;-)"
James Finister

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